Maraudon release & PTR schedule
Dear community, first content release! Tomorrow will see the first content release of Elysium with the opening of Maraudon. The dungeon was available on the PTR the 2016/09/23 evening and received no report on our new bug tracker since that time.
The release will happen tomorrow, Saturday September 24th, at 6 PM GMT.
**Coming next**
Sunday September 25th will be a busy day for the team as the hardware changes will take place in the morning.
Once the server will be back up, you will find Dire Maul and Azuregos available for testing. As the PTR schedule is very strict, here is a reminder of the timeline:
* PTR Dire Maul: available from 2016/09/25 to 2016/10/09
* PTR Azuregos: available from 2016/09/25 to 2016/09/28
* PTR Kazzak:available from 2016/09/28 to 2016/10/01
* Release Azuregos: 2016/10/08
* Release Kazzak: 2016/10/09
* Release Dire Maul: 2016/10/15
As we want to get quality feedback from the PTR, players are not allowed to engage combat against other players currently testing a world boss. The point of this test is to make sure everything's running smoothly, and not an opportunity to harass rival guilds. Kazzak and Azuregos will be set to a respawn timer of 5 minutes so that it can be attempted multiple times.
With only 4 days each for Azuregos and Kazzak, we want to prevent the guilds to progress on the encounters. If we have acquired enough feedback and that the encounter is in really good shape, it is possible that we will end the test early.
The PTR will (once again) allow you to create characters that are instantly leveled to 60. Horde and Alliance will spawn in separate locations in Azshara where there will be vendors, trainers, and a teleporter for Dire Maul.