July 3, 2019, 6:04 PM


Sunday, July 14th (Exact time to be determined) We need you! Login to our tbc realm on July 14th to help us test the core’s ability to handle large player loads and activity. kill things, grab quests, and fight each other! for helping us test, we will be holding a draw for a unique in game tbc mount for the top 50 players with the most /played during the stress test. also, get the nigh
March 30, 2019, 9:33 PM


Nethergarde PVP has launched! Connect now to play F R E S H!
March 14, 2019, 7:10 PM


Greetings, Thank you all for voting this week on the new Vanilla realm we will be launching on March 30th! Here are the results: EXP Rate: x1 Blizzlike EXP Battlegrounds: All BGs open at launch (AB/AV/WSG) - We have made changes to the queue system to correct issues from Nighthaven. Hopefully these issues will be fixed. Raid Dungeons: MC/Ony/BWL Open upon launch Patch Progression: F
February 21, 2019, 5:26 AM


Welcome back to the fold Anathema! Notes: - All imported characters are capped at 1k gold - If your characters name is already taken on Nighthaven, you will be forced to rename - Any accounts with more than 10 characters will find the additional characters on the "Extra Characters" realm
December 30, 2018, 4:14 AM


For every purchase of coins, recieve 30% more! This sale is only available until Dec 31st!
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