August 14, 2017, 7:00 AM

Naxxramas PTR opening for further testing

Dear players, The Naxxaramas PTR will be open for testing on the 14th August 2017 at 18:00 server time (6PM). Our development team since the last testing session have been working non-stop to ensure the quality of Naxxaramas, and to that end; ALL wings will be opened up for players to test. Please read the following information regarding this weeks testing period: * Players will be abl
July 19, 2017, 11:30 AM

Assault on Blackwing Lair

*In the dark recesses of the mountain's peak, Nefarian, the eldest son of Deathwing, conducts some of his most awful experimentation, controlling mighty beings like puppets and combining the eggs of different dragonflights with horrific results. Should he prove successful, even darker pursuits rest on the horizon.* *And, yet, the Lord of Blackrock is not a mere scientist — he is a great dragon
July 9, 2017, 5:04 AM

BWL 1.6 on Elysium, Patch 1.10 on Anathema, Patch 1.8 on Darrowshire, Naxxramas PTR

Dear community, We are very excited to announce these upcoming updates for our realms! **Scourge Invasion & Naxxramas Patch 1.12 PTR — July 12th (next mainteance):** * The Naxxramas raid will be available for testing * Light Hope's Chapel quest hub revamp * Various PVP rewards will be updated * Check this out for more details: https://forum.elysium-project.org/topic/49341-naxxramas-pub
July 1, 2017, 6:12 AM

Six Months Online — What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been!

Dear community, 6 months ago, the Elysium Project reopened the world's most successful World of Warcraft community to continue Nostalrius's work. Together, we have kickstarted a community dedicated to restore World of Warcraft to its original glory, in reaction to Blizzard's stance on legacy servers. On this occasion, we would like to thank our playerbase for contributing to the success of t
June 28, 2017, 8:11 AM

Naxxramas Public Test Announcement

Greetings! Our team has been working hard to prepare for the release of the most exclusive World of Warcraft raid that has ever been released, Naxxramas. Less than 1% of the active player base during the end of vanilla killed Kel’Thuzad. For many players, including myself, the dream of finally seeing and clearing Naxx40 has been a long time coming. That dream is taking one giant step forward to re
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